
Six members of WASLA attended the Erasmus+ KA1 project called ”Creativators!” organized by ROSI France. 

The training course “Creativators!” took place in Paris, France between the 12th until the 19th of January 2020. It brought together 33 participants from 6 countries; France, Germany, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. The main aim of the project was to create a strong network to support and reinforce the concept of social entrepreneurship fostering a sustainable and inclusive growth as described in the Europe 2020 Strategy.

The training course was designed for youth workers and encouraged them to explore the methods of creative thinking. The practical part helped to understand how they can use new methods in work with young people.

The objectives of the training course were to develop participants’ creative thinking and entrepreneurial skills, learn new tools and methods on creativity for developing new projects and ways to attract and involve young people into activities, explore paths to offer a basic training on how to develop, validate and implement social enterprises and to create a sustainable network of partners to exchange experience and expertise in order to spread, support, reinforce and advocate for the concept of social entrepreneurship as a mean of sustainable development.