The Erasmus+ projects in which WASLA is a partner are opened to all members, volunteers and young people interested in developing their personal and professional competences.
Mobility activities are currently postponed because of COVID-19.
The new projects WASLA will participate in:
- The "Solidarity Phase: how to cope with migrants inclusion in the time of COVID-19" Project
- "Power of Games" Project
- "Uncut Girls" Project
- "The entrepreNEUR - NEUR" Project
- "Reach Out" Project
- "Choir for Harmony without borders'' Project
The "Solidarity Phase: how to cope with migrants inclusion in the time of COVID-19" Seminar will take place in Lecce, Italy.
The main of this project is to create a dynamic learning community of European organizations working for the inclusion of refugees, asylum seekers and youth with migratory background, to share best practices and reflect together on the ongoing humanitarian issues and create common strategies and action plans at medium and long term.
The activities are designed to encourage participants to analyse the social effects of COVID-19 in the different European regions, considering both those caused by the sanitary emergency and the consequent lockdown; to promote and share the good practices already acted by the participating organizations at local level; to reinforce cooperation and networking in the sector of Youth, defining common and innovative practices to face the new challenges in the social animation; to increase competences of youth workers in the field of the inclusion of youth with migratory background and to define new tools and common projects to be developed in the future.
Each partner organization will involve at least two participants with the following profile:
- Youth workers
- Youth Trainers
- Social workers, representatives of social services
- Volunteers
The richness and need of using Educational Games to tackle social exclusion and other social issues have been widely experienced during generations of youth workers; however it seems to be forgotten in our generation. By creating a safe space where youth workers can practice high quality educational games that address social inclusion among youth, participants will develop practical skills in designing, implementing and facilitating Educational Games adapted to their work with young people at risk of social exclusion aiming at their social inclusion and empowerment.
The project will offer the chance to youth workers from Italy, Germany, France, Romania, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and Lebanon to learn how to address the topic of social inclusion by using games as educational tools. The training course will take place in Rome, Italy.
Bringing together participants with a different cultural background is a great benefit for the project because the tools developed during the training course will have an innovative approach and will be easily adapted to working with different groups of people, including refugees and people facing fewer opportunities. By developing participants’ competences and knowledge for using games as tools for fostering social inclusion will also contribute to prevent radicalisation, discrimination and stereotypes.
The Erasmus+ KA105 project called “Uncut girls” was created starting from the idea that an FGM prevalence of 87.2% among all women aged 15–49 in a population of nearly 100 million, Egypt has the greatest number of women and girls who have experienced FGM of any country in the world. Migrants from African countries continue this practice even in cities such as London. FGM has spread all over the world and much needs to be done to end it. This is the main reason why it was decided to implement the project in Egypt. If the counties of origin of FGM abolish this degrading-to-women practice, then the world will follow its example.
Women have suffered an abundance of oppression forms since the earliest of ages mainly in patriarchal societies. Even the Bible has Eve as the main villain culpable for humanity’s suffering. The most severe cases of oppression and inequality are a combination of psychological and cruel physical violence, the worst of which is Female Genital Circumcision or Mutilation – FGM for short.
This project’s aims are to fight misogyny and the discrimination it causes, to promote basic human rights for girls and women, respect for human dignity, equality and the rule of law. In addition, through our project we aim to educate youth workers, and through them young people, about FGM and its detrimental effects not only to women, but to the entire family and society, too.
Oppression on women is maintained by limiting or completely hindering women’s education. Young girls are taught that the main role and purpose in life is the role of wife and mother. FGM’s rate is highest in areas where it is believed that female circumcision will increase marriage ability and so ensure women’s socioeconomic status. Therefore, another aim of this project is to foster education of young girls and women so that they become full equal citizens who will participate in all the processes of their society.
The project reunites partners from France, Germany, Romania, Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco. The training course will take place in Alexandria, Egypt.
The NEUR project wants to bring up for young people from local communities all of the entrepreneurship basic tools and help them understand how a business works.
The main goal is raising awareness among young people regarding all the opportunities in entrepreneurship, tools that they need for a growing business and non-formal methods of assimilation of important information which completes and supports the learning process.
This Erasmus+ project will use non-formal methods and techniques to help 25 young people from Romania, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland to acquire the necessary knowledge for implementing their business idea by using 5 business models. Participants will also develop their knowledge about entrepreneurship, specific management elements and working models in entrepreneurship. The youth exchange will take place in Ilfov, Romania.
In light of the new Youth Strategy of the European Union (2019-2027) and its commitment to reach all young people, the project partners strongly believe, that a Seminar on how to better address hard to reach groups is needed. Youth organizations across Europe need to join forces, in order to develop a common strategy regarding this challenge. That is because hard to reach groups need to be part of organized structures, in order to have the opportunity to actively engage in the democratic process. Only so democracy fulfills its main characteristic: involving all its citizens.
It is the reason why the European Union aims at engaging, connecting and empowering all young people, through its new strategy. For that to happen, youth organizations need to deepen their understanding regarding these three dimensions. They also need to find ways to better address hard to reach groups and promote these new opportunities among them.
The aim of the Erasmus+ "Reach Out" project is to strengthen youth organisations' capacity across Europe to operationalise the three EU key actions, in order to address hard to reach groups. Youth workers from Denmark, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and Malta will deepen their understanding on the current challenges young people from hard to reach groups are facing. Best practices examples regarding youth work with young people will be exchanged and there will be identified new ways of addressing young people form hard to reach groups.
Youth workers attending the seminar will become better equipped to engage, connect and empower young people from hard to reach groups. Thus, the European society can be strengthened, as more of its citizens will have the opportunity to actively participate, through youth organizations.
The project includes a seminar which will mainly focus on developing a Common Strategy Guideline on how to better address young people from hard to reach groups, with regards to the three EU key actions. The seminar will take place in fjerritslev, Denmark.